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Thread: Test server patch

  1. #1
    Randolk's Avatar
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    Default Test server patch


    The Anger mechanic's been updated. Every time you spend OR gain 1 pip of Anger, you regain 5% of your health over 3 seconds.
    Anger now seems to build from damage dealt way, way faster. So fast that moves that SPEND Anger can return more Anger than they spend. I can peg my Anger just spamming Earthquake Leap (though this is a blow up on Spirit)
    Update: I checked between live and test, basic base speeds were upgraded on Furious and Brutal Swing to 2.0 and 1.7, while Savage Swing was nerfed to 1.4. Previously all of them were 1.7 speed.
    I still haven't figured out why my damage numbers in Violence were much higher when I first logged in. I guess it could have been another player's aura but I was in the Avenger's Tower; I'm not sure what effects can be active there from other players. Not sure yet.
    Hulk Tough: This skill now increases defense and mitigates % damage. At rank 1 it adds 81 defense and negates 6% damage.
    Unbridled Rampage: This skill now grants a damage bonus, health regen and spirit reduction for 10 seconds when activated. Spends all current Anger. If 3 or more Anger is spent, also gain haste (move/attack speed). Duration does not scale with points.
    Mighty Roar: This skill now taunts enemies and weakens them for 4 seconds (-23 damage rank 1). Spend 1 Anger to deal damage.
    Short Temper: This skill now doubles the Anger you gain when you take damage (at all ranks). Also increases maximum health and defense with additional points.
    Hulk Free: This skill now grants movement speed in addition to Tenacity. On PTR mine's rank rank 21 and grants 1,035 Tenacity and 16.9% movement speed.
    Rubble Toss: Update: this skill does slightly more damage (425-599 rank 1). Spend 1 Anger to stun enemies.
    Terrible Roar: This skill now causes enemies to take more damage (+66 damage rank 1). Spend 1 Anger to Stun all enemies for 4 seconds.
    Thunderous Handclap: This skill no longer spend Anger, always does knockback and projectile deflection.
    Crushing Leap, Avalanche Leap: These skills are now tagged as Movement, Area and Leap powers. Earthquake Leap is not tagged as an Area Power, however.
    Earthquake Leap: This skill now cancels into itself really easily. Still cancels into other actions as it did (including movement), but does not allow you to cancel if you wait to perform the next action too late (i.e. once he starts his yell).
    Worldbreaker: This skill now additionally grants critical hit chance and critical hit bonus damage with additional skill points.

    Last edited by Randolk; 26th July 2013 at 10:32.

  2. #2
    Razj's Avatar
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    Unbridled Rampage: This skill now grants a damage bonus, health regen and spirit reduction for 10 seconds when activated. Spends all current Anger. If 3 or more Anger is spent, also gain haste (move/attack speed). Duration does not scale with points.

    damage bonus, hp regen, spirit reduction, almeno 5% hp heal, e haste. Na fetta di culo no?

  3. #3
    Randolk's Avatar
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    you don't fuck with the hulk.

  4. #4
    Lieutenant Commander Ercos's Avatar
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  5. #5
    Randolk's Avatar
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    In this time and place, Thor is no longer holding back. (aka, upcoming Thor changes)

    Odinforce (secondary resource): You gain a small amount of Odinforce whenever you hit with a ranged power and a large amount of Odinforce whenever you hit with a melee power or kill an enemy. Removed the mechanic about gaining Odinforce when enemies are nearby.

    Almighty Mjolnir: Increased the movement speed of Mjolnir by 10%; Reduced the additional Spirit cost for charging Almighty Mjolnir to 5 per second (down from 10 per second). Initial spirit cost of this power remains unchanged. Increased initial damage by 100%; Increased missile radius on Almighty Mjolnir by 20%

    Asgardian Smite: Increased damage on 20%

    Asgardian Stamina: Increased bonus health to 50 per rank (up from 15)

    Bring the Thunder: Increased animation speed by 50%

    Hammer Punch: Removed all references to Odinforce in tooltip and in the power mechanics. Removed the slow references from this power (the stun remains). This ability now deals 1% of targets max health on hit, scaling by 0.1% per level of this skill. Increased spirit cost to 20.

    Hammer Smash: Removed Odinforce effects and costs; Reduced spirit cost to 15 (down from 20); Increased damage by 5%

    Hammer Strike: Increased animation speed to 600 MS; Increased the scaling on damage

    Leaping Smite: Removed all references to Odinforce in tooltip and in the power mechanics. This power now automatically stuns the foe. Thor can now move much sooner after this power finishes. Increased scaling damage slightly (~15%).

    Lightning Smash: Increased the energy damage component by 25% (this will help two other powers scale better as well).

    Lightning Strike: Increased damage by 30%

    Mighty Shockwave: Attack speed increased by 100%. Travel speed increased by 50%. Area width increased by 10%

    Storm Hammer: Increased animation speed by 50%; Increased damage by 20%; Increased the movement speed for Mjolnir during the power by 35%

    Thunderous Charge: Increased damage by 10%

    Thundering Strike: This power will now ignore some defense (2.5% defense penetration per rank in the power). Increased radius by 10. Increased the rate at which the stun duration increases with power rank.

    Thunder Surge: Renamed the power to God Blast. Spirit cost increased to 50. Damage increased by 100%. This power now spends all remaining Odinforce and adds +50% damage per point of Odinforce used. Slightly increased the animation speed.

    Changed unlock levels of some of Thor's Powers:

    Moved Storm Hammer (lvl24) to the spot currently occupied by Thunderous Charge (lvl 3) on the skill tree.

    Moved Thunderous Charge (now lvl 6) to the center column of the Son of Asgard tree.

    Moved Asgardian Smite (level 30) to the spot currently occupied by Storm Hammer (lvl 24), on the right side of the God of Thunder tree.

    Moved God Blast (lvl 6, was Thunder Surge) to the current location of Asgardian Smite (lvl 30)


  6. #6
    Randolk's Avatar
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    Some improvements to Wolverine have already been made, and he's starting to look a LITTLE more like the regenerating berzerker we all know and love, but there were still quite a few outstanding Logan issues:
    His powers didn't do enough to suggest multiple builds and combinations
    It wasn't fun enough to drop points into multiple powers
    There were too many "rough-edged" powers that didn't have clear purposes or attractive use cases.

    With the following changes, we're pushing to address those problems:

    We're trying something new with Wolverine, and putting more damage directly into his powers instead of relying on the power damage synergy system; Damage synergies have been wiped out and replaced with higher base values across the board. We'll be monitoring this shift closely to see if it has the desired effect of making Wolverine more interesting to build without really shifting his overall power level
    We're removing Smell Weakness from the game. While thematically interesting, it never felt as mechanically solid; We found that it was drawing power points very early in Wolverine builds and being consistently retconned out later on, and in the end removal was healthier than buffing/repositioning it into a niche corner of his kit
    We're adding "Blood-Hungry Sweep" (working title) to Wolverine's powers to fill the gap, a bleed-synergizing version of his PBAoE slash
    A number of level unlock shifts need to occur in Wolverine's powers as a result of the above changes, so we're taking this opportunity to space out similar effects and ensure he has a healthy selection of offensive powers available at low levels: Blood-Hungry Sweep comes in at level 10 alongside Bloody Slash, Eviscerate becomes level 1 to introduce Fury management right away, Furious Lunge moves to level 2, Brutal Slash moves to level 3, Regeneration Boost moves to level 16, Feral Growl moves to level 18, and Bloody Victory moves to level 28
    Adamantium Skeleton now unlocks at level 20, features higher Physical and Energy resistance, and increases Tenacity against all negative status effects instead of just forced movement
    The missile defense component on Feral Senses didn't really accomplish the goal of pairing minimap radar with something that impacts Wolverine builds, so we're replacing that aspect of the power with a scaling Crit Chance bonus and making it unlock at level 8
    Even with the new Critical Hit proc direction, the AoE Basic Power Hack 'n' Slash wasn't really hitting an appealing niche, so we're remaking it as a Basic Power that generates bonus Fury on hit/crit
    Critical Fury gains reduced slightly to compensate for the fact that they stack with the regular onHit gains
    We're narrowing the attack speed gap betwwen Quick Slash and Wolverine's other Basic powers by speeding Bloody Slash and Hack 'n' Slash up, (Quick Slash will remain the fastest option)
    Wolverine's bleed effects should now tick every half second instead of every second for smoother damage delivery
    Adrenaline Rush is now a toggled effect that reserves a chunk of your Spirit and can be left on indefinitely, buffs have been retuned to scale more smoothly across rankes to fit the new behavior
    Regeneration Boost is getting a slight decrease in cost and increase to the amount healed
    Cage The Beast should no longer be usable when Spirit is already full
    I'm the Best There Is no longer requires that a target be below half health to execute and deals double damage to bleeding targets
    Eviscerate should no longer consume any Spirit on activation
    We like the passive component of Bloody Victory enough that it's transitioning the rest of the way to being purely passive; Heal when defeating and buff damage when critting with impunity!
    The "donut" shaped activation area on Feral Growl ended up being difficult to communicate, and causing enemies to flee was so situational for a melee hero that we're rebuilding the power as a straight PBAoE stun
    With Fury-based gameplay finally starting to come together, Unleash the Beast is losing the channel and being repositioned as an on-demand, in-combat way to trade Spirit for Fury
    The flat Attack and Move Speed buffs on Savage Recovery, while impressive, were being restricted by diminishing returns and stat caps to the point of ineffectiveness; Now that critical strike builds are more attractive for Wolverine, we're replacing the Haste with a hefty bump to crit chance


  7. #7
    Randolk's Avatar
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    Hey everyone,

    Wanted to let you know that we’ve got a couple more Spider-man improvements coming through in the next patch. We’ve looked through your Top 5 change requests and updated the following powers:

    Stick Strike: Spider-man's slowing and immobilizing powers now tag enemies as "Webbed" even when the slow or immobilize is resisted or prematurely ended. This allows Sticky Strike to deal double damage against bosses or other characters with high tenacity.
    Corrosive Web Fluid: Damage scaling was increased to provide greater reward at higher ranks. Duration synergy was replaced with a damage synergy to better function with the new toggle style gameplay.
    Leaping Assault: The knockback has been changed to a knockdown to provide better combo opportunities.
    We’ve also fixed a bug with one of Spider-man’s key items:

    Fearsome Fist of Farallah: A bug was fixed with the item that caused the crit bonus to wear-off when certain non-damaging effects triggered.
    We’ve got more changes coming, and we’re working on some exciting new powers for Spidey that will flesh out his melee build and streamline his trees. Keep your eyes open for upcoming forum posts and patch notes, and feel free to explore these changes on the test server.


  8. #8
    Lieutenant Commander Ercos's Avatar
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    si va bhe asgardian stamina aumentato a 50, wow con 1k pf in più morirò molto meno

    Il resto mi sembra abbastanza decente, ma speravo meglio, vedremo.

  9. #9
    Randolk's Avatar
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    Hey, guys!

    As you know, we have been taking characters and doing quick passes on them to try to improve as much as we can about them in as little time as we can. For Cyclops, my main goal was to make his ranged powers that cost spirit more able to compete with his basic powers, to add some strength to his melee powers without just pumping up their damage, and to clean up anything that I felt was not being communicated well to the players.

    Below are the changes to Cyclops that should be hitting test center (and then live) fairly soon:


    Change Backwards Roll to be a forward roll (because really, Cyclops doesn't need a strafe and TWO powers that move him backwards... :3 And kudos to the animators for getting the new animation done so quickly!)
    Added secondary effects to some melee powers:
    Kick – add defense debuff to enemies
    Leg Sweep – add damage debuff to enemies (in doing this fixed one of Hawkeye’s powers – Poison Gas Bomb)
    Side Roll – add dodge buff at the end of movement
    Uncanny Focus regens too much spirit (sorry guys!) – made passive regen rate more inline with Storm’s passive regen.

    Made changes to Channeled Blast and Optic Barrage to help them compete with Optic Blast:
    Shortened starting animation for Channeled Blast, made it rotate faster, added slow effect.
    Gave synergies to both powers, moved them physically (not level unlock) to display dependencies.
    Increased damage bonus awarded by items for Optic Barrage.
    Gave Optic Devastation the “Area” keyword so it gets bonuses from medals
    Updated Cunning Blast with Backwards Tumble animation to increase responsiveness

    Increase rate of gain for Command Points (bandaid until future rework happens)
    Tactical Analysis duration increases with rank
    Defensive Tactician – the dodge bonus was unintuitive. It was applied only against targets affected by Tactical Analysis, but that meant it wouldn’t show up in the Character sheet and would be difficult to tell who you could dodge more against. Made the following changes:
    Decreased dodge bonus, made it unconditional so that it is on all the time if you are near Cyclops (and always on Cyclops).
    Added flat damage debuff to targets affected by Tactical Analysis.
    Hope these improve your Cyclops play experience!


  10. #10
    Lieutenant Commander Ercos's Avatar
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    ci avrei scommesso che mettevano il forward roll

    nuuuuu mi nerfano uncanny focus ç___ç

    dodge bonus fisso su ciclope
    Last edited by Ercos; 26th July 2013 at 11:17.

  11. #11
    Randolk's Avatar
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    Hey guys! Now with part 2 added, here's the complete list of changes coming to Ms. Marvel in a future patch.

    The target goals for this sweep of changes were to give more build options for Ms. Marvel, reinvent the purpose and use of her secondary resource, and make life easier on her as a tank. Ms. Marvel should now be able to built reliably as a melee DPS, ranged DPS, tank, or any hybrid of those. DPS characters will want to keep Photonic Energy at high levels for the passive damage bonus (or attack speed for melee characters), while tanks will want to build it up and use it consistently to refresh her damage absorption, triggered when you consume photonic energy (via Stellar Flare or Crashdown Strike).

    Ms. Marvel

    Ms. Marvel now unlocks a sixth point in Energy Projection at level 54.

    Binary Overdrive now buffs Ms. Marvel's physical damage as well as her energy damage output.

    Photonic Energy

    Doubled gains of photonic energy when taking energy damage. The tooltip for photonic energy now shows the exact benefit (50% bonus damage at maximum), and the damage tooltips for energy damage powers will now update as you gain or lose photonic energy.

    -Warbird Charge now adds photonic energy for each enemy hit.

    -Photonic Defense now adds photonic energy for each attack blocked.

    -Energy Absorption has gained a chance when dealing energy damage to add photonic energy.

    -Photon Punch now adds photonic energy with each strike.

    -Stellar Flare and Crashdown Strike now will grant Ms. Marvel a 50% damage reduction buff for a short duration. The duration is based on how much photonic energy you consumed when using the power, up to 10 seconds at maximum photonic energy.

    -Kree Toughness now has a secondary effect of increasing attack speed for fighting powers, based on how much photonic energy you currently have.


    Slightly increased range of cosmic haymaker, and improved the targeting. Haymakers should not miss as often.

    Defiant Escape no longer requires or spends photonic energy to become immune to conditions for a brief duration, and gains 0.25 seconds of immunity per point (up from 0.1 seconds)

    Fixed a bug where Defiant Escape's brief duration of crowd control immunity was not functioning properly sometimes.

    Defiant Escape now allows players to move immediately after activation and can activate the power without being under the effects of crowd control.

    Mighty Punch has been increased in damage by 20%, putting it on par with Photon Punch in terms of scaling. Mighty will be higher in dps in most cases, with Photon being utility-based in that it adds to your secondary resource.

    Photon Punch now deals physical damage instead of energy. This is to give melee-based Ms. Marvel players a single stat to focus on (physical damage), instead of needing to choose between energy and physical.


    Photonic Blast and Stellar Beam are now basic powers.

    Photonic Blast and Stellar Beam now share a 3% damage synergy with each other.

    Photonic Wave has a 3% damage synergy with Photonic Devastation.

    Photonic Wave's damage has increased 10%, its secondary resource cost has been removed, and its spirit cost has been reduced to 20 (from 27)

    Photonic Devastation has a 2% damage synergy with Photonic Wave.

    Photonic Devastation's animation windup time has been reduced, resulting in tighter control of the power.

    Photonic Devastation secondary resource cost has been removed.

    Fixed a bug where Photonic Devastation was not gaining proper damage from Photonic Energy (Secondary Resource).

    Photonic Regeneration's secondary resource cost has been removed to activate the instant heal. Photonic Regeneration's healing effects are now increased by your current level of Photonic Energy (secondary resource).. Heal over time duration is now 3 seconds (down from 5), cooldown has increased to 3 seconds. Healing has been slightly reduced to compensate for the reduced activation costs.

    Stellar Flare's maximum charge up time has been reduced by 25%. Ms. Marvel is now immune to all crowd control while channeling Stellar Flare.

    Tightened the damage up to be more consistent on Stellar Flare


    Crashdown Strike's finishing animation is now shorter, and can be cancelled immediately after Ms. Marvel has landed.

    Hope you all enjoy the updates, and I look forward to seeing what types of builds are created as a result of this.


  12. #12
    Razj's Avatar
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    minchia ms marvel ottimo.. manca solo il cambio generale della difesa da flat a % e siamo apposto... peccato che il 29 parto e probabilmente non potrò giocare per tutto agosto diofava

  13. #13
    Randolk's Avatar
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    Salutations! We've got a small cluster of changes coming soon to a Frank Castle near you, so here's a rundown:

    We still have a Vengeance rework in the... works... but we're removing the natural decay on Punisher's secondary resource in order to improve the existing mechanic in the meantime
    If Deadly Barrage is a chainsaw, then we'd like Explosive Rocket to comparatively feel more like a scalpel; It now deals double damage to targets at the very center of the blast
    All of Punisher's mines have once again gotten just a little faster to throw and quicker to detonate when directly sensing enemies
    In order to reinforce Chemical Mine's identity as a damage mitigation solution, we're moving the defense debuff onto Proximity Mine and strengthening the damage debuff scaling
    Now that Proximity Mine also debuffs defenses, it should combo more logically with powers like Explosive Rocket
    Show No Mercy's situational activation was just too hard to use in practice, so we're opening it up for stabbing any time and tuning the meat of the damage into bonuses for stabbing stunned or feared targets
    Pain Tolerance is getting an additional mitigation factor that ignores a percentage of incoming damage based on how low on health you are; The scaling on this was flagged internally as somewhat risky, so we're expecting the tuning to feel low, and we'll monitor and adjust it for impact if necessary
    Multiple tiers of improvements are being worked on all the time, and there's definitely more we want to do with the Punisher, so keep exposing us to your war journals, especially in any threads that get purple stickied!


  14. #14
    McWoT. McLove.'s Avatar
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    Cazzo questi lavorano più di kunta kinte in un campo di cotone, sti greedy bastards che vogliono rubare i soldi dei free 2 potato a spese dei buy 2 potato!

    Inviato dal mio Xperia U con Tapatalk 2
    Non ho mai rivolto a Dio altro che una preghiera, molto breve: "Dio, rendi ridicoli i miei nemici". E Dio l'ha esaudita. -Voltaire-

  15. #15
    McWoT. McLove.'s Avatar
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    Wolverine Ronin costume available next week for movie promotion.
    Human Torch will be on test center today. Highly likely to go live next week.
    Blizzard and Blackcat boss coming but a long ways away.
    No plans to make existing heroes constantly fly like Torch, more likely to happen for future heroes.
    Next high level content coming is pvp, coming sometime after big July patch.
    Current Eternity Splinter drop rates on test server will be close to what live will be like.
    More hotbars in the works, no confirmation on timeframe.
    Doomsaw quote: "Big july patch = torch, many hero upgrades, manhattan, symbiote encounter, stacking mats, etc"

    Big July patch coming next week, Wednesday!
    Player housing/hideout they want but will be very far out if it happens
    Screen shake adjustment coming in this update patch, but no option to turn it off completely.
    The announced Spidey costume release maybe late aug/early sept. (nuohhhhhhhhhhhh lo volevo prima!)
    Scarlet Witch 2nd resource and ultimates getting rework but a ways off.
    Paid name change will be a long ways away if they even consider it.
    Possible 4 Artifact slots in late Aug patch. (Thanks @eurtknup)
    Doomsaw quote: "Considering dual spec after pvp goes live"
    Doomsaw quote: No plans for controller support
    Last edited by McLove.; 27th July 2013 at 15:24.
    Non ho mai rivolto a Dio altro che una preghiera, molto breve: "Dio, rendi ridicoli i miei nemici". E Dio l'ha esaudita. -Voltaire-

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