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Thread: Template paladin

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Questa pero è la configurazione a 2h. La 2h la uso solo quando ho stunnato dopo ritorno in modalità 1 mano
    Come armi a una mano uso virulent e scudo del drago, con lo scudo vado a 11 e dex 101 la costituzione cappata non mi serve per il semplice motivo che comunque non sono i 100 pf che cambiano af cappata non mi serve avendo il canto che mi porta 974 di af.
    Il corpetto da chierico hai ragione è una buona soluzione e ci sto lavorando

  2. #122
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Questa è lo stesso tp ma ad una mano, in questo tp la 2h la uso solo dopo aver stunnato.

    Class: Paladin
    Level: 50

    Dual Wield
    Item Utility: 914.1
    Build Utility: 1109.1
    Useable Utility: 1045.3
    TOA Utility: 350.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Strength: 109/101
    Constitution: 92/91
    Dexterity: 102/101
    Quickness: 101/96
    Intelligence: 0/75
    Piety: 0/75
    Charisma: 0/75
    Empathy: 0/75
    Hits: 323/316
    Power: 0/25

    Body: 25/26
    Cold: 20/26+5
    Heat: 23/26
    Energy: 22/26
    Matter: 22/26
    Spirit: 29/26
    Crush: 27/26+3
    Thrust: 27/26
    Slash: 27/26+2

    Shield: 11/11
    Crush: 13/11
    Slash: 13/11
    Thrust: 13/11
    Two Handed: 13/11

    Cap Increase
    Strength: 31/26
    Constitution: 16/26
    Dexterity: 27/26
    Quickness: 21/26
    Hits: 116/200

    TOA Bonus
    Armour Factor: 33/50
    Style Damage: 6/10
    Melee Damage: 8/10
    Melee Combat Speed: 6/10
    Fatigue: 5/25

    Chest (Ageless Fluted Protector):
    Imbue: 32.0
    Constitution: 22
    ALL melee weapon skills: 3
    Heat: 4%
    Crush: 4%
    Thrust: 4%
    Slash: 4%
    Melee Damage: 5
    Strength (Cap Increase): 5
    Constitution (Cap Increase): 5
    Hits (Cap Increase): 45
    Utility: 61.7
    TOA Utility: 56.3
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Arms (Crafted):
    Imbue: 37.5/32 (Quality: 99)
    Strength: 22
    Constitution: 19
    Quickness: 13
    Hits: 76
    Hits: 40
    Utility: 65.0
    TOA Utility: 0.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Head (Crafted):
    Imbue: 37.0/32 (Quality: 99)
    Quickness: 28
    Dexterity: 13
    Cold: 9%
    Hits: 44
    Constitution: 15
    Utility: 66.3
    TOA Utility: 0.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Legs (Crafted):
    Imbue: 37.5/32 (Quality: 99)
    Dexterity: 28
    Shield: 3
    Spirit: 9%
    Hits: 44
    Strength: 15
    Utility: 72.7
    TOA Utility: 0.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Hands (Maddening Scalars):
    Imbue: 20.0
    Constitution: 15
    Quickness: 15
    Hits: 40
    Melee Damage: 3
    Constitution (Cap Increase): 5
    Quickness (Cap Increase): 5
    Melee Combat Speed: 3
    Utility: 30.0
    TOA Utility: 50.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Feet (Crafted):
    Imbue: 36.0/32 (Quality: 99)
    Dexterity: 28
    Shield: 3
    Matter: 5%
    Energy: 9%
    Quickness: 15
    Utility: 71.7
    TOA Utility: 0.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Right Hand (Virulent Soul Sapper):
    Imbue: 22.0
    Strength: 15
    Dexterity: 15
    ALL melee weapon skills: 3
    Heat: 1%
    Crush: 1%
    Thrust: 1%
    Slash: 1%
    Strength (Cap Increase): 10
    Dexterity (Cap Increase): 10
    Style Damage: 4
    Utility: 43.0
    TOA Utility: 60.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Left Hand (Dragonflame Protector):
    Imbue: 31.5
    Strength: 15
    Shield: 5
    ALL melee weapon skills: 3
    Crush: 1%
    Thrust: 1%
    Slash: 1%
    Strength (Cap Increase): 5
    Dexterity (Cap Increase): 5
    Armour Factor: 10
    Melee Combat Speed: 3
    Utility: 56.0
    TOA Utility: 45.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Neck (Maleficent Darkspire Adroit Beads):
    Imbue: 27.5
    Dexterity: 18
    Body: 6%
    Thrust: 6%
    Hits: 44
    Dexterity (Cap Increase): 6
    Armour Factor: 6
    Utility: 47.0
    TOA Utility: 18.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Cloak (Tiller's Cloak of Futility):
    Imbue: 23.0
    Quickness: 30
    Crush: 2%
    Thrust: 2%
    Slash: 2%
    Quickness (Cap Increase): 10
    Utility: 32.0
    TOA Utility: 20.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Jewel (Eerie Darkness Stone):
    Imbue: 37.0
    Body: 5%
    Cold: 5%
    Heat: 5%
    Energy: 5%
    Matter: 5%
    Spirit: 5%
    Crush: 4%
    Thrust: 4%
    Slash: 4%
    Utility: 84.0
    TOA Utility: 0.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Belt (Cenzia's Belt of Reason):
    Imbue: 38.5
    Body: 7%
    Cold: 6%
    Heat: 6%
    Energy: 7%
    Matter: 6%
    Spirit: 6%
    Armour Factor: 1
    Utility: 76.0
    TOA Utility: 1.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Left Ring (Ring of Arcane Strength):
    Imbue: 35.0
    Strength: 21
    ALL melee weapon skills: 4
    Crush: 4%
    Thrust: 4%
    Slash: 4%
    Hits: 35
    Strength (Cap Increase): 5
    Armour Factor: 5
    Hits (Cap Increase): 35
    Style Damage: 2
    Utility: 66.8
    TOA Utility: 33.8
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Right Ring (Egregarious Ring of Nightmares):
    Imbue: 0.0
    Strength (Cap Increase): 6
    Constitution (Cap Increase): 6
    Dexterity (Cap Increase): 6
    Quickness (Cap Increase): 6
    Armour Factor: 10
    Fatigue: 5
    Utility: 0.0
    TOA Utility: 68.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Left Wrist (The Shoe's Bracer):
    Imbue: 35.0
    Strength: 21
    Constitution: 21
    Body: 1%
    Energy: 1%
    Spirit: 2%
    Crush: 5%
    Thrust: 5%
    Slash: 5%
    Hits (Cap Increase): 36
    Utility: 66.0
    TOA Utility: 9.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

    Right Wrist (Bracer of Arawn):
    Imbue: 38.5
    Body: 6%
    Heat: 7%
    Matter: 6%
    Spirit: 7%
    Crush: 6%
    Slash: 6%
    Armour Factor: 1
    Utility: 76.0
    TOA Utility: 1.0
    PvE Utility: 0.0

  3. #123
    Warrant Officer Fi$iCo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    quel corpetto fa pena, 96 di quick è inutile in 1h, aveva più toa fetish sul classic che sto pg

  4. #124
    Petty Officer 3rd Class ~hollywood~'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Fetish View Post come corpetto metterei tutta la vita quello da chierico per soloing...
    ma qual'è sto corpetto.. lo sto cercando ma nn lo trovo..
    Roads ~ Menestrello
    Atropina ~ Bonedancer
    Pennsylvenia ~ Vampiro

  5. #125
    Lieutenant Commander Vindicare's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Bolg t3


    timeless indigo mail o qualcosa del genere
    Dark Age of Camelot
    ~Vindikare~ Warden RR11L5 -Random-
    ~Vindyria~ Valk RR11L4 |Random|

    Quote Originally Posted by Il professor Oak View Post
    sei una nullità, sei il classico trasher zerger che passa le giornate a zergare o segare pvers

  6. #126
    Petty Officer 3rd Class ~hollywood~'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Vindicare View Post
    timeless indigo mail o qualcosa del genere
    ah è maglia però
    Roads ~ Menestrello
    Atropina ~ Bonedancer
    Pennsylvenia ~ Vampiro

  7. #127
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Il vantaggio sono i bonus toa anche se l'assorbimento è inferiore

  8. #128
    Petty Officer 3rd Class ~hollywood~'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    di questo che ne dite? l'ho preso cosi come l'ho trovato si può fare qualche modifica:

    Strength: 101/101
    Constitution: 101/101
    Dexterity: 100/100
    Quickness: 80/80
    Hits: 400/400

    Body: 25/26
    Cold: 21/26+5 (26)
    Heat: 22/26
    Energy: 21/26
    Matter: 21/26
    Spirit: 21/26
    Crush: 25/26+3 (28)
    Thrust: 23/26
    Slash: 23/26+2 (25)

    Parry: 10/11
    Shield: 10/11
    Crush: 11/11
    Slash: 11/11
    Thrust: 11/11
    Two Handed: 11/11

    Cap Increase
    Strength: 26/26
    Constitution: 26/26
    Dexterity: 25/26
    Quickness: 5/26
    Hits: 211/200

    TOA Bonus
    Armour Factor: 20/50
    Style Damage: 4/10
    Melee Damage: 9/10
    Melee Combat Speed: 8/10
    Fatigue: 9/25

    Right Hand (Virulent Soul Sapper):
    Imbue: 22.0
    Strength (Cap Increase): 10
    Dexterity (Cap Increase): 10
    Strength: 15
    Dexterity: 15
    Heat: 1%
    Slash: 1%
    Crush: 1%
    Thrust: 1%
    ALL melee weapon skills: 3
    Style Damage: 4

    Left Hand (Crafted):
    Imbue: 37.0/32 (Quality: 99)
    Shield: 7
    Quickness: 7
    Body: 5%
    Hits: 4
    Shield: 3

    Chest (Ageless Fluted Protector):
    Imbue: 32.0
    Strength (Cap Increase): 5
    Constitution (Cap Increase): 5
    Hits (Cap Increase): 45
    Constitution: 22
    Melee Damage: 4
    ALL melee weapon skills: 3
    Heat: 4%
    Slash: 4%
    Thrust: 4%
    Crush: 4%

    Arms (Crafted): DSworn Hits
    Imbue: 37.5/32 (Quality: 99)
    Parry: 3
    Quickness: 22
    Body: 9%
    Constitution: 25
    Hits: 40

    Head (The Winged Helm):
    Imbue: 28.0
    Strength: 15
    Dexterity: 15
    Matter: 5%
    Spirit: 5%
    Hits: 40
    Armour Factor: 10
    Fatigue: 5

    Legs (Crafted): DSworn Str
    Imbue: 37.0/32 (Quality: 99)
    Hits: 36
    Parry: 4
    Quickness: 25
    Energy: 9%
    Strength: 15

    Hands (Maddening Scalars):
    Imbue: 20.0
    Constitution: 15
    Quickness: 15
    Hits: 40
    Melee Damage: 3
    Constitution (Cap Increase): 5
    Quickness (Cap Increase): 5
    Melee Combat Speed: 3

    Feet (Soot Smudged Boots):
    Imbue: 23.0
    Strength: 18
    Constitution: 18
    Hits: 40
    Melee Damage: 2
    Strength (Cap Increase): 6
    Constitution (Cap Increase): 7

    Neck (Albion Medal of Honor):
    Imbue: 40.0
    Body: 5%
    Cold: 5%
    Heat: 5%
    Energy: 5%
    Matter: 5%
    Spirit: 5%
    Crush: 5%
    Thrust: 5%
    Slash: 5%

    Cloak (Shades of Mist):
    Imbue: 25.0
    Strength: 15
    Quickness: 15
    Parry: 3
    Stealth: 3
    Armour Factor: 10
    Melee Combat Speed: 5
    Fatigue: 4

    Jewel (Eerie Darkness Stone):
    Imbue: 37.0
    Heat: 5%
    Matter: 5%
    Crush: 4%
    Cold: 5%
    Body: 5%
    Slash: 4%
    Energy: 5%
    Spirit: 5%
    Thrust: 4%

    Belt (Black Water Belt):
    Imbue: 30.0
    Strength: 24
    Constitution: 21
    Dexterity: 21
    Strength (Cap Increase): 5
    Dexterity (Cap Increase): 5

    Left Ring (Ring of Granite Enhancement):
    Imbue: 42.0
    ALL melee weapon skills: 3
    Cold: 6%
    Heat: 6%
    Crush: 6%
    Thrust: 6%
    Slash: 6%
    Hits: 50
    Hits (Cap Increase): 50

    Right Ring (Trollstone Ring):
    Imbue: 23.5
    Body: 1%
    Energy: 1%
    Matter: 1%
    Spirit: 1%
    Crush: 1%
    Thrust: 1%
    Slash: 1%
    Hits: 80
    Constitution (Cap Increase): 9
    Hits (Cap Increase): 80

    Left Wrist (Yraeryn's Bracer):
    Imbue: 36.0
    Dexterity: 21
    Cold: 5%
    Heat: 1%
    Energy: 1%
    Matter: 5%
    Spirit: 5%
    Crush: 2%
    Hits: 60
    Hits (Cap Increase): 36

    Right Wrist (Morgif's Decaying Flesh Bracelet):
    Imbue: 29.5
    Dexterity: 30
    ALL magic skills: 2
    ALL melee weapon skills: 2
    Crush: 2%
    Thrust: 2%
    Slash: 2%
    Hits: 12
    Dexterity (Cap Increase): 10
    Roads ~ Menestrello
    Atropina ~ Bonedancer
    Pennsylvenia ~ Vampiro

  9. #129
    [-- Bannato --]
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    N Crau Bridge


    Per gruppo è ok, per soloing no..
    "If you choose to jump in the water after this guy, you are fully committed, there is not getting away." (Vn board)

    A Shaman's job in a group is to be the most annoying little shit he can be

  10. #130
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    sto cercando anche io di fare un tp da soloing ma e da pazzi non riesco a tirarlo fuori con i nuovi item su ywain QQ idee?

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