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Thread: [LUPO SOLITARIO] Libro XX: The Curse of Naar

  1. #31
    Master Chief Petty Officer Rise-the-Sky's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    Non possiamo metterci a combattere contro tutta la merda che vive in sto piano...evitiamoli e andiamo a cercare qualcuno che valga la pena riempire di botte. (fare a cazzotti con dell'edera assassina non è molto cool)
    spamm is life.

  2. #32
    Warrant Officer Kaluisurrr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    famoli a fette cazzo

  3. #33
    Sturm's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Sbrachiamoli tutti
    “Perché io?”
    “Perché eri un cacciatore senza denti. Sei stato scelto per la tua rabbia, sei stato scelto per tutte le ferite che avevi subito, scelto per tutte le volte che eri stato colpito, picchiato e umiliato davanti agli altri. Scelto per la rabbia che eri costretto a tenerti dentro,per le parole che non potevi pronunciare. Scelto per la furia cieca che avvolgeva il tuo cuore come una morsa dopo ogni pugno e ogni calcio che ti veniva inferto,dopo ogni sasso che ti veniva lanciato. E per la rabbia più grande di tutte,quella che riservavi a te stesso,perché eri incapace di reagire,dato che loro erano sempre di più, e sempre più grandi, e sempre più forti. Ma se le cose cambiassero? C’è forse miglior cacciatore di chi un tempo era la preda? Qualcuno che sarebbe spinto a difendersi dalle forze oscure mandate dal mondo,che non si fermerebbe mai neppure se fossero tante, e molto più grandi e potenti di lui. Perché essendo stato un tempo preda non permetterebbe mai a se stesso di ridivenirlo. Non si arrenderebbe mai. Morirebbe piuttosto che sottomettersi. Perché tu? Perché fra tutti quelli che erano presenti quel giorno,c’era un solo cacciatore. E come ti dice la tua adorata scienza…i simili si attraggono,la presenza dell’osservatore influenza l’osservato,ed è matematico che non esistano casi e coincidenze. C’è solo…cortesia professionale.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfo in ts
    Sono un materialista del culo


  4. #34
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004



    Quote Originally Posted by 46.
    From beneath the coating of moss which sheathes these vines emerge hundreds of tiny hollow barbs, transforming them instantly into deadly foes capable of ripping you to shreds. They whip the air within inches of your face, forcing you to frantically dodge and dive to avoid being torn open. You draw your weapon and strike out, cleaving through the end of one of these deadly creepers which emits a high-pitched squeal as it recoils, trailing a spray of sticky green slime from its sundered tip. As if enraged by their companion’s cry of pain, the remaining vines snake towards you with increased tenacity. You must fight them.

    Illustration III—The deadly vines whip the air, inches from your face.

    Haemodyls: COMBAT SKILL 49 ENDURANCE 42

    These vine-creatures are immune to all forms of psychic attack, except Kai-blast and Kai-ray. If you possess Animal Mastery, you may add 2 to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of this fight.

    If you win the combat, turn to 19.
    Tentacle raped! Senza poteri mentali, la nostra COMBAT RATING è -2.

    Facciamo fare un giro a Kai-Ray, prima di tutto...tanto abbiamo il 40% di subire lo stesso ammontare di danni in un turno regolare di combattimento

    Lupo Solitario usa Kay-Ray!
    Lupo Solitario -4 (48)
    Haemodyls -15 (27)

    Lupo Solitario -3 (45)
    Haemodyls -6 (21)

    Lupo Solitario -5 (40)
    Haemodyls -2 (19)

    Lupo Solitario -0 (40)
    Haemodyls -10 (9)

    Lupo Solitario -5 (35)
    Haemodyls -2 (7)

    Lupo Solitario -0 (35)
    Haemodyls -10 (morti!)

    Quote Originally Posted by 19.
    The few remaining vines that survive your deadly blows rapidly disappear into the canopy of branches and, within seconds of your victory, the jungle becomes deathly silent once more. You wipe your weapon against the trunk of a tree to remove the worst of the foul-smelling ichor, and then you move back along the trail towards the beach. However, when you reach the edge of the trees you see a patrol of scaly-winged reptiles swooping and gliding along the rocky shoreline. They have discovered the remains of the canoe and are now searching the beach for signs of survivors.

    Rather than risk being spotted by these vicious-looking creatures, you stay hidden beneath the jungle canopy and return once more along the trail. At the place where you had previously been halted by the curtain of bloodsucking vines, you now discover the way ahead is open and you press on until you come to the edge of a large clearing. This expanse of level ground is devoid of foliage yet it is littered with strange fruits that resemble gigantic grey pineapples. Beyond these curious fruits you can see the ruins of a settlement partially overgrown with moss. Warily you make your way around the fruits and across the clearing towards a statue which is crouching amongst the ruins. It is constructed of a smooth, lustrous black mineral and is fashioned in the likeness of some evil beast of prey. It reminds you of a hyena, but one with a massive lower jaw set with a pair of sabre-toothed fangs. Between its forelegs is a flight of rubble-strewn steps leading down to an open door. You detect waves of power emanating from somewhere beyond this darkened doorway, but you are unable to determine just how deep below the ground the source of this energy is located.

    If you possess Telegnosis and wish to use this skill to spirit-walk through the doorway to investigate what lies beyond, turn to 76.

    If you do not possess this skill or choose not to use it, turn to 177.
    Ok gente! Vogliamo uscire dal nostro corpo, o abbiamo molta paura? Ricordo che quando siamo fuori dal corpo siamo indifesi...d'altro canto, investigare può salvarci la vita
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  5. #35
    Warrant Officer Kaluisurrr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    e usiamo sto spirit walk, penso sia la seconda volta che lo usiamo

  6. #36
    Bortas's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Valdarno's Baiou, near Padule


    Trascendentiamo, è l'ora, di fare un viaggio gay astrale...


  7. #37
    Sturm's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Astraliamo tutto il cazzo del tutto!
    “Perché io?”
    “Perché eri un cacciatore senza denti. Sei stato scelto per la tua rabbia, sei stato scelto per tutte le ferite che avevi subito, scelto per tutte le volte che eri stato colpito, picchiato e umiliato davanti agli altri. Scelto per la rabbia che eri costretto a tenerti dentro,per le parole che non potevi pronunciare. Scelto per la furia cieca che avvolgeva il tuo cuore come una morsa dopo ogni pugno e ogni calcio che ti veniva inferto,dopo ogni sasso che ti veniva lanciato. E per la rabbia più grande di tutte,quella che riservavi a te stesso,perché eri incapace di reagire,dato che loro erano sempre di più, e sempre più grandi, e sempre più forti. Ma se le cose cambiassero? C’è forse miglior cacciatore di chi un tempo era la preda? Qualcuno che sarebbe spinto a difendersi dalle forze oscure mandate dal mondo,che non si fermerebbe mai neppure se fossero tante, e molto più grandi e potenti di lui. Perché essendo stato un tempo preda non permetterebbe mai a se stesso di ridivenirlo. Non si arrenderebbe mai. Morirebbe piuttosto che sottomettersi. Perché tu? Perché fra tutti quelli che erano presenti quel giorno,c’era un solo cacciatore. E come ti dice la tua adorata scienza…i simili si attraggono,la presenza dell’osservatore influenza l’osservato,ed è matematico che non esistano casi e coincidenze. C’è solo…cortesia professionale.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfo in ts
    Sono un materialista del culo


  8. #38
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    Passeggiamo spiritualmente!

    Quote Originally Posted by 76.
    You crouch down among some mossy boulders directly opposite the stairwell to the open entrance. Then, using your Grand Mastery, you let yourself slip into the trance-state that will allow your conscious mind to leave your corporeal body. You continue to see your surroundings as they would appear to your physical eyes, but now you are able to transport yourself freely through the air like a bird.

    You glide towards the statue and swoop down through the open portal, pausing momentarily to scan the surrounding arch for hidden traps. Detecting none, you continue deeper into the darkness of this alien edifice. A wide stone ramp descends to a sealed portal which is engraved with runes. You cannot immediately decipher them but you sense that they are evil in design and possess some destructive power locked within their jagged forms. Then the sound of a growl, above and far away, makes you suddenly fearful for the safety of your physical body, and so you leave the portal and ascend rapidly to the surface where you rejoin your dormant form. (Unless you have attained the Kai rank of Sun Lord or higher, you lose 2 ENDURANCE points due to the haste with which you have returned to your corporeal body.)

    Having already reconnoitred the entrance to your satisfaction, you are able to descend the steps and enter the base of the statue with confidence. You follow the stone ramp down to the sealed portal where you carefully examine the runes which cover every square inch of its surface. You are beginning to fathom some of their secrets when suddenly you hear a noise above and behind you. Instantly you spin on your heel and reach for your weapon, but the outline that you see silhouetted in the archway at the top of the ramp is so shocking that you are unable to close your trembling hand upon it.

    Turn to 268.
    Quote Originally Posted by 268.
    Framed in the archway is a snarling, sabre-toothed beast with eyes that radiate darkness, like two dull satanic orbs. It is hyena-like, and its hunched shoulders and straggly mane lend it an uncanny resemblance to the statue which sits atop this subterranean vault. Vile saliva drips from its fangs and snout, and an evil sound—part snickering, part bubbling—issues from its massive jaw.

    Slowly and deliberately it descends the ramp towards you. As it moves you notice that the ribs of its great frame are showing through its furry hide, giving it an emaciated appearance. Your senses detect that it is starving and that it sees you as the answer to its gnawing hunger.

    If you possess some Muntaag Honey, turn to 159.

    If you do not possess this Backpack Item, turn to 321.
    Non abbiamo il miele satanico per l'orso satanico!

    Quote Originally Posted by 321.
    As the beast stalks closer, you see a dull crimson fire glowing at the core of its soulless eyes. It tenses its sinewy muscles and a dozen steely claws extend like flick-knives from its forepaws. It is preparing to attack. You sense that you must act quickly to defend yourself for this beast is now set to pounce.

    If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 51.

    If you do not have a Bow, or if you choose not to use it, turn to 287.

    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  9. #39
    Master Chief Petty Officer Rise-the-Sky's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    Tu chiedi l'ovvio...
    spamm is life.

  10. #40
    Bortas's Avatar
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    Oct 2003
    Valdarno's Baiou, near Padule


    L'arco è l'arco


  11. #41
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by 51.
    Swiftly you draw an Arrow to your Bow and take aim at the beast’s snout. The creature narrows its evil eyes and begins to sway from side to side. It is as if it senses the danger that your missile poses and it is trying to reduce its chances of being struck.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Weaponmastery with Bow, add 5 to the number you have picked.

    If your total score is 7 or lower, turn to 175.

    If it is 8 or higher, turn to 203.
    Bentornato, successo automatico

    Quote Originally Posted by 203.
    Your Arrow buries itself deeply into the creature’s throat and brings it crashing to the ground. Howling with pain, it rises unsteadily and looks at you with eyes that blaze like two fiery suns. It has suffered a near-fatal wound yet you sense it still possesses strength enough to rend you limb from limb. You draw another Arrow to your Bow but the sight is enough to break the creature’s nerve and, with a final shriek, it scrambles away up the ramp. You watch it disappear through the archway before you shoulder your Bow and turn your attention to the portal. You are anxious to examine its surface and find a way to open it.

    Using your advanced Kai skills you are able to decipher enough of the runic text to discover the secret code which keeps it secure. Confidently you press a section of the surface and it moves inwards with an audible clunk! Moments later, the portal creaks open and you hurry through before it slams shut with a resounding boom.

    Turn to 210.
    Quote Originally Posted by 210.
    The moment you pass through the portal you are assailed by an overwhelming odour of decay. The vile stench of putrefaction has been ever-present since you landed upon the shores of this unwholesome realm, but the reek that occupies the chamber you have now entered is immeasurably worse. Your innate Magnakai Discipline of Nexus protects you from the harmful effects of this diseased odour, yet even so you feel nauseous and heavy-headed: lose 1 ENDURANCE point.

    The walls drip with a yellow slime that radiates a dim fluorescence by which you can see an open archway in the far wall. Eager to escape from this stench-filled chamber, you enter and explore a tunnel which lies beyond the archway. Unfortunately the stench is no better here. In fact, the further you explore this twisting passageway the worse it becomes. Yet you press on regardless, allowing your instincts and your Kai senses to guide you to the source of the alien power that lies somewhere within this foul lair.

    The tunnel continues for more than a mile, descending deeper by ramp and stair until it arrives at a vast circular chamber. Here you discover a huge door fashioned from a strange, shimmering green metal. Runes adorn its carved panels, mirroring those that are engraved in a large circle in the centre of the stone floor.

    If you have ever visited Mogaruith in a previous Lone Wolf adventure, turn to 265.

    If you have never visited this place, turn to 41.
    Ci siamo stati!

    Quote Originally Posted by 265.
    This circular hall is chillingly familiar, although you are sure that you have never been here before. Then a cold shiver runs down your spine when suddenly you recall where it was that you saw a chamber and runes uncannily similar to these. It was in Mogaruith, in the antechamber to Arch Druid Cadak’s Throne Hall.

    You magnify your vision and focus on the runes that decorate the floor. They are similar to those you encountered on the portal to this subterranean labyrinth when first you entered, and you feel your pulse quicken when slowly you are able to decipher part of their meaning:

    ‘Ye who seek entry to the Hall of the Künae, renounce all falsehood and trickery for thou art transparent beneath our gaze. Pay homage to the Lords of Decay lest thy soul be devoured by the insatiable horde of Nemagog. Place gold within the circle for thy wish to be fulfilled, base metal without for thy fate to be sealed.’

    With great caution, you cross the floor of the chamber and examine the engraved surface of the portal after a gentle push confirms that the door is locked. You were hoping that the runes which cover this great metal portal would reveal how it can be opened, but to your dismay they merely catalogue (in sickening detail) the evil accomplishments of the Künae. Then you discover three small slots: one circular, one square, and one triangular in shape.

    If you possess any Gold Crowns, turn to 109.

    If you have no Gold Crowns, turn to 65.
    Siamo ricchi!

    Quote Originally Posted by 109.
    From the runic inscription on the floor you suspect that the portal may be opened by using a piece of gold. Taking a Gold Crown from your Belt Pouch you carefully examine the three slots, using your Kai senses to help you choose into which one you should place your coin. Unfortunately, your senses can only detect the powerful magical energy that is present in the core of this portal.

    If you wish to insert your Gold Crown into the circular slot, turn to 195.

    If you decide to insert the coin into the square slot, turn to 214.

    If you choose to insert the coin into the triangular slot, turn to 332.
    Ok, LW ha seguito il metodo Montessori? O c'è qualcos'altro dietro questa scelta? Che si fa?
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  12. #42
    Bortas's Avatar
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    Oct 2003
    Valdarno's Baiou, near Padule


    Hahahaha, ok la logica vorrebbe monta tonda in buco tondo, ma io sarei per metterla nel triangolino, non si sa mai che significhi fica...


  13. #43
    Warrant Officer Kaluisurrr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    io dico nel quadrato

  14. #44
    Sturm's Avatar
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    Jan 2005


    “Perché io?”
    “Perché eri un cacciatore senza denti. Sei stato scelto per la tua rabbia, sei stato scelto per tutte le ferite che avevi subito, scelto per tutte le volte che eri stato colpito, picchiato e umiliato davanti agli altri. Scelto per la rabbia che eri costretto a tenerti dentro,per le parole che non potevi pronunciare. Scelto per la furia cieca che avvolgeva il tuo cuore come una morsa dopo ogni pugno e ogni calcio che ti veniva inferto,dopo ogni sasso che ti veniva lanciato. E per la rabbia più grande di tutte,quella che riservavi a te stesso,perché eri incapace di reagire,dato che loro erano sempre di più, e sempre più grandi, e sempre più forti. Ma se le cose cambiassero? C’è forse miglior cacciatore di chi un tempo era la preda? Qualcuno che sarebbe spinto a difendersi dalle forze oscure mandate dal mondo,che non si fermerebbe mai neppure se fossero tante, e molto più grandi e potenti di lui. Perché essendo stato un tempo preda non permetterebbe mai a se stesso di ridivenirlo. Non si arrenderebbe mai. Morirebbe piuttosto che sottomettersi. Perché tu? Perché fra tutti quelli che erano presenti quel giorno,c’era un solo cacciatore. E come ti dice la tua adorata scienza…i simili si attraggono,la presenza dell’osservatore influenza l’osservato,ed è matematico che non esistano casi e coincidenze. C’è solo…cortesia professionale.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfo in ts
    Sono un materialista del culo


  15. #45
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    Verso il triangolino che ci esalta!

    Quote Originally Posted by 332.
    You press the Gold Crown into the triangular slot and instantly you are blinded by a flash of white light. A searing pain runs down the length of your arm and you are thrown backwards by this sudden release of energy: lose 4 ENDURANCE points.

    Turn to 143.
    Ahahah no.

    Quote Originally Posted by 143.
    You drag yourself to your feet and use your Kai healing skills to massage the life back into your numbed arm. As the feeling returns, you take another Gold Crown (remember to erase the one you have just lost) from your pouch and approach the portal once more. This time you are grimly determined to make the door open.

    If you wish to insert your second Gold Crown into the circular slot, turn to 195.

    If you decide to insert the coin into the square slot, turn to 103.
    What now ?
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

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